00:53 18/05/2021
I really liked the write-up you made recently about Gundam and various other series you had mixed feelings about. Mom recently bought me a new hard drive for my computer, and I renewed my VPN today, so I'm feeling a good energy today. I want to make something similar to that document with these new circumstances in mind.
In particular, I was talking to [older brother] recently. Usually when I try to get him to spit out more information about the anime he likes, I have a hard time. Just yesterday though, he mentioned Violet Evergarden. This got me to thinking about Kyoto Animation as a whole. Don't you think they've been treated as such a Ghibli-esque figure ever since the arson? I don't know where I'm going with that observation, but that's the general idea of how I want to write throughout this document. I want to give my mixed takes on different studios, and my perception of them as things stand right now, and judge where I want to go from there.
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I feel as though it's a necessity to watch every Ghibli film. Maybe that's a wrong point of view to take though. Fireflies can hardly be compared to the formula of what seems to be formulaic shoujo that the majority of this company's movies example. But then, do you think you can pick out shows like Mononoke Hime? At the point where a mistake in judgement results in missing out on something critically acclaimed, what's the point. There is a feeling though that, I keep some movies to myself for watching only with others. Is that the right choice? I'm not the kind of person who dislikes rewatching movies. I wonder, why though would I watch something that I think may be formulaic alone? I liked Whisper of the Heart a lot, but it was generally formulaic, don't you think? Maybe I'm looking at it too broadly. It feels great though to take films like these and give each of them different places in my mind. I can think of Whisper of the Heart to elicit a very different feeling from Mononoke Hime, and Chihiro likewise. There are some series I don't mind having such a weak feeling. I'm comfortable giving such little attention to Nana as I write this because I don't think it's going to touch my mind, or at least, I don't think I have anything floating around my mind right now I can attach it to. So it is my background noise. Also, Nausicaa isn't Ghibli?
Kyoto Animation

Chuunibyou was the last show I watched from this studio, and in retrospect, so SOL! Actually, I want to mention Angel Beats here, because I think that series reflects the emotion I want to convey perfectly. A KyoAni show exhibits all the emotions. The relaxing ones, the sad ones, the happy ones, the silly ones. It does a good job at hitting all the notes, akin to watching a movie. It's very easy to watch for that reason. However, I really like going into a show having a goal, or something to look for. I went into Chuunibyou being enamored with that linguistic concept being actualized and popularized. I feel like I'm going back and forth about being stiff with my writing and loose with it, but I want to watch something for a good reason. Otherwise, I have no reason to pay attention. Unless, well, I'm eating perhaps. I was watching Beastars just to kill time earlier today while putting in the hard drive. With subtitles at that. It feels right to pay that 3/4 attention to it, since my hands were acting so mechanically. 4/4 attention would be how I want to treat shows like Kaiba and Beck. Even English doesn't give me enough information! 3/4 attention is to either watch something with full attention in Japanese, or to watch something in English while not paying attention. 2/4 attention is how I feel I'm treating Nana right now, and how I treated Chuunibyou in the past. 1/4 attention, I'm not sure whether or not to include Houseki no Kuni in this category. Is this the kind of show I simply listen to? That I don't even give the dignity to put on my second monitor? I must have rewatched some of these shows by the time you're rereading this, but I hope you remember the first time you watched something like this. Maybe that feeling hasn't yet faded.
I'm kind of going in a very normie order here, but I think that makes it easier to read. The shows I have yet to watch from this studio, that I'd like to watch shortly, include Bakemonogatari, Mekakucity Actors, and MariaHolic. Out of all Japanese animation studios, this is very much one of the ones on the forefront. They are very much not something I want to think about historically, or broadly as I might the previously two mentioned studios. Shaft shows have very clear mysteriousness to them. They are the kinds of shows I feel I would have a hard time watching simply in English. They are the shows I feel I would have a hard time rewatching at all. They are the shows I feel would go over my head. The ones with the most interesting discussions and threads. I feel so primitive trying to talk about them. Their series I'm most familiar with are San Gatsu, Zetsubou, Madoka, and Arakawa. Despite that, I really don't feel any of these shows I understand that well. San Gatsu being the leading one, I've watched one time through in English with 4/4 attention. I'd love to rewatch it in
Japanese if I can. Though, weren't they a bit time in that series? Maybe I just have a hard time differentiating Monogatari from everything else. I treat it as the standard, when it really shouldn't be. Is that wrong to do? I don't want to generalize, yet, it's very easy to do. I feel like I'm not getting enough air to my lungs. Maybe I need to do some jumping jacks downstairs.
J.C. Staff

Obligatory CUNNY. This studio is, of the larger studios (so not Rikka or Yaoyorozu), the one I want to watch the most. This is the studio whose work I enjoy the most. I badly want to finish the Railgun series, and there are still shows like Prison School and Food Wars that normies like that I haven't seen yet. I want to pick up Hachimitsu to Clover and Loveless. How many studios can you scroll so far down and still be interested? Maybe it's just that they're the first large studio I've taken interest in. I'm not all that enlightened about Madhouse or anything. Really, what is there to write if I wouldn't mind watching anything?
This studio is a mixed bag, jumping from masterpieces to dog water. That is for the most part because they've been running for so long. Well, I don't really know quite well what the good and bad years are! I can't really judge that for myself, at least with how few shows I've seen. Am I running out of things to say so quickly?
Bee Train
Extremely high potential value. It's amazing I've gone so long without watching so much of this studio. Girls with guns, and the like of edgy stuff! Even the degenerate I love!
P.A. Works
On the scale of J.C. Staff. It's so funny that they have similar names to one another! I'd love to watch Another and Charlotte. If I had to make a guess with the knowledge I have insofar, this studio is good at character dynamics. Shirobako and Angel Beats both reflect this idea really well, so I think it's an easy take to have. Though, I don't feel as strongly about this studio simply because they aren't all that edgy. Plus, they tend to be filled with an excess of information. It seems like the studio where you can definitely rewatch them plenty of times. There is a lot to read into!
Studio Deen
Regarded by 4chan as the ugliest mainstay studio. Yet, they manage to put out a lot of interesting stuff. Sakamoto seems like it could be interesting. Higurashi is amazing for how disgusting it is to look at, when compared to most other Japanese cartoons. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way in other cultural environments. Fruits Basket is great. I ought to watch the remake at some point. At some point, I considered this one of my favorite studios, but that was around when I had seen only 200 or so shows. It's not as though I dislike them now. Well, I like their flare a little more than Madhouse! If I wanted the "Madhouse" vibe, I would go watch Ghiblishit! Well, unless it's something like Code Geass that can stand on its own and be related to everything. Same with Angel Beats, though I didn't mention it before. There's nothing in particular I'm interested in right now from this studio, but if something comes across my radar, I would feel comfortable with this name attached to it. I'd rather taste something sour than bland as far as something not being my main diet like I intend to treat the Gundams and Nanas.
Just 100% the studio. There's very little to say other than such. It's already out of the question.
Doga Kobo
This seems like the studio who has very easy to describe shows. The fishing show, the exercising show, the asteroids show. Very easy to understand! Besides those, they have a few like Yuru Yuri I feel I should watch before I die simply because it had that Yuru Camp feeling. Who was the one that said that feeling. Go back and watch Hiding in Public's Yuru Camp video if you can. It covers the emotion I want to convey better than me just writing it. I should... probably watch that channel MUCH MUCH more than I do. What an amazing channel. I'm glad you reminded me! I'll binge that later I think, as Destiny has gotten so boring!
We're still on a roll here! Yes, it DID take this long to mention Trigger, the most American of the Japanese animation studios! I've gotta watch Darling in the FranXX still, as bad as 4chan makes it out to be! Little Witch Academia is a good watch. Inou-Battle has got to be one of the highest shows on my radar, just in general as of right now. You remember the clip, right? From episode 7 or so? Also gotta watch Promare, and Gridman. Is there anything I shouldn't watch from this studio? I need to finish Luluco. Well, Gridman may have been the one I wouldn't mind skipping! These guys haven't put out all that much work now that I look at them so closely.
Madhouse, just under another name. At least, that's the way I see it. Need to finish Mob Psycho and catch up to BNHA.
Production I.G.
Why is it that when I look at these guys, all I can think of is how often they play the side roll? They did on a lot of Gainax's works, Wit Studio's, MAPPA's... Who exactly are these people? Have they ever put out a poor work? Maybe Great Pretender was a bit normie, but it was still amazing to look at. Psycho-Pass 2 may have been written poorly (where did you get this idea? are you just echoing the words from others? you're such a fool), but... okay, I don't remember a damn thing about this show. Stop talking so confidently about things you don't know! You piss me off. Need to watch Blood-C, Kimi ni Todoke, xxxHOLiC... AHHHH, SO MANY SHOWS. Actually underrated. You should treat this studio with more respect! They have nothing I particularly hate, at least visually. Robotics;Notes kind of pisses me the fuck off, but then I haven't even finished it!
Newest of the mainstream groups. Haven't seen Jujutsu Kaisen, Dororo, or Kakegurui. Zankyou no Terror speaks for itself. God of High School speaks for itself. Banana Fish maybe the highest potential from this studio? Zombieland Saga? Dorohedoro speaks for itself. Sakamichi no Apollon might be their best work I've finished. Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni could be interesting. I'm excited for Chainsaw Man! I hope you're as interested in the future as I am today about this series. Toei Animation Don't they just make shows for children? I've heard them called ugly before, but I think it's charming. It's as though they use ink brushes for all of their lines. Need to start Tamers. Need to finish Mononoke. Kyousou Giga has grown on me. I'm sure I'll watch Kuuchuu Buranko if I'm still interested in the medium in five to ten years. That's all there is to say. A-1 Pictures Shigatsu could be good. I wouldn't mind rewatching SAO. Shinsekai yori might grow on me, but it hasn't quite yet. Who was it that said Eromanga-sensei to me? Was it [older brother]? Did I hear this in a dream? Why the hell is this show invading my thoughts? Such an odd studio. Well, I'm just not that interested in Blend S. Too much SOL! Too much comedy! I hate comedy!!!!!!!!!! ufotable Goated. Wouldn't mind watching more. I've yet to foster any strong negative opinions towards them. I'm sure I'll pick up Fate in the coming years. So intimidating. I finished Kimetsu no Yaiba recently. Not bad! Keep it up. Science SARU Hit or miss. I love Ping Pong and Eizouken to death. They are two of my most rewatched shows. Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 and Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara just make me wanna puke. Very distinct flat artstyle this studio has. Nothing particularly interesting going on animation-wise. I like the infographics in Eizouken. I think that messiness works well. I don't want to say ugly here. It certainly looked ugly in Devilman though. I think they can take advantage of that if they try. It can be used for good. See Ping Pong once again. You know how when you draw, you do a sketch first? You can make storyboards with such simple figures? It's somewhere in that between space. Walk on Girl is great, it's exactly what I mean here. These guys are very much the weird crowd, but in a mainstream way. Not that many works, would like to watch some more. Could go either way like I said. Tatsunoko Production Helps out a lot with the other studios. Macross? Gasshern Sins? Gatchaman Crowds? I've heard these names lots of times, but never looked into what these shows really were. Never seen art from these shows, never listened to closely to those mentions in discussion. Triangle Staff I'm surprised we got to write about so many studios without getting bored. Triangle Staff, similar to Gonzo, seems like it has some gems. Fits in with Bee Train as well as another studio I badly want to watch more of, and get a better sense of. You can't just have watched so little from the people who made something you love so much, don't you think? Gonzo To piggyback, you have Gantz, Romeo x Juliet, Strike Witches. Not as many or as promising as the other two I mentioned in this category, but the potential and the radicalism is there. Studio Pierrot A lot of oldies and some new stuff too. I'm treating this group akin to Deen in that aspect, so not much I want to say. That's just the impression. Wasn't this just supposed to be impressions after all? Onizuka is their best work. Gotta watch Yuu Yuu Hakusho. Satelight Fits in with Triangle and Gonzo. I liked Arjuna a lot. Need to watch Noein. Planet Read above. Narutaru is insane, and I need to rewatch it. I didn't give it the respect it deserves for how I've abused it. For how much it's fermented in my mind. Ugh, such a small active vocabulary. I hate the way you talk. Please get better. Listen to people like Destiny more often, who use new words and speech patterns. Their other works have got to be at least worth picking up, don't you think? Could be a new interesting perspective! Yakunara did air this year. Actas A mix between Doga Kobo and P.A. Works, both of whom I feel strongly about. Girls und Panzer is one of the best series I've had the pleasure to watch, and I want to do such a small studio more justice. Long Riders kind of bored me the first time I watched it, even in the peak of how interested I was in camping and topics like that. Switch could be interesting. Picking up anything at all would be something to make me happy and feel like I understand more. Radix Why did this guy work with so many small studios? See: Triangle. Kinema Citrus HIGH POTENTIAL VALUES. Made in Abyss is one of the greatest pieces of animation ever created. Barakamon is worth watching just for its premise. Shield Hero fell off in my eyes, but not disgusting. Well, I know it'll be that sort of show that grows on me, and I find myself liking in due time. .hack//Quantum???????? etc Yuyushiki lul Yaoyorozu I chose not to mention this group because I've already watched all of their work, save for Minarai Diva and Bukatsumono's second season. I'm sure I could write an awful lot, but I'm just going to leave it at pretty good. You should watch Kemono Friends, and if you enjoyed it, try Bukatsumono. Kemurikusa was a bit hard for me to watch. I'll try picking it up again in some time. That's the extent of my goals. Studio Rikka Same as Yaoyorozu, I've watched all of their works. These two companies are easy to call my favorites just because I don't have too many loose ends involving them. I feel bad when someone wants to talk about something I don't really understand, when it should be my favorite thing. So I'd like my favorites to be those I understand completely. Otherwise, it's a bit embarassing when you don't have every tank that appears throughout Girls und Panzer memorized. Gotta watch Beginning of the Day actually. Sing a Bit of Harmony is J.C., but Yasuhiro is working on it so it might as well be Rikka. - - - I watched something in the range of 2-3 hours worth of Nana while writing this. I ate a quesadilla too. Now I'm exhausted. I'm behind on my reps. 690 is a bit intimidating, but I know I can do it. I've done it before.